EVERYTHING Five-Star WR Micah Hudson had to say at the Texas Relays

Micah Hudson (Photo: Greg Powers)

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Lake Belton five-star Micah Hudson met with multiple media members at the Texas Relays to talk about Texas, Texas Tech, Texas A&M and everything in between.

Q: Who are some of the other schools besides Texas and Texas Tech that are coming after Micah Hudson the hardest? 

Hudson: "I probably would have to say Ohio State, Bama, Georgia. Florida's been hitting me up a little bit and Tennessee too. Texas, obviously them, but I wasn't counting them. 

Q: Are you still talking to (Texas WR Coach) Chris Jackson? Is that communication still good?

Hudson: "Yes sir. I'm always talking to him. We talk every week. Just a little check in. Even if he sends me a little motivational speech or anything. I don't really need it, but it's just like he has the heart to really send them and stuff like that. That means a lot. Same thing with Texas Tech. They do the same thing. It just shows how much they really care about a kid. Not just sending him a 'What's up, Micah', or something like that. Like 'Attack the day', something like that. Something easy. It doesn't take that long to send a quote or something like that. It's free to do that."

Q: Are you still getting to know Chris Jackson? What do you like about him? What stands out?

Hudson: "He's just a great guy. He doesn't sugarcoat anything. He keeps everything real and plus he's been at the highest level. He definitely knows what he's talking about. It's not like he's telling me BS or anything like that. He's serious about his business. He wants me to go there. He wants me to see everything that they have to offer."

Q: How much does that mean to you that he's (Chris Jackson) played it at the highest level and he's coached it at the highest level? How important is that to you?

Hudson: "So he really never did the college thing before. Recruiting people and stuff like that. So, for him being able to talk to me all the time and say something to me means a lot because he hasn't done it before, you know? It's kind of something new for him, so he's getting the hang of it. But he's always trying to communicate with me. Always setting up a phone call, or something like that."

Q: I want to ask about Coach Juice (Texas Tech WR Justin Johnson) at Texas Tech. What does he bring to the table and what do you like about him?

Hudson: "He's also kind of similar to Coach Jackson, but they both have their own ways and things like that. He's also a big family guy. A big Christian guy. He always tries to send me bible verses and things like that. He also teaches me the game too and gives me some tips when I was there. Just watching the receivers moving, they just look way different. He's definitely elevating their game."

Q: How big are these visits. You got to Texas Tech instead of Texas and people read something into that, is it really like that or is just a visit to find something out (about the school)?

Hudson: "It's just a visit, you know. I have some visits set up some days, and some visits set up other days. I knew we had Texas Relays, so I was going to got to Texas this week and not last week, so that way I was able to visit Texas Tech."

Q: Is there an overreaction whenever you are making these moves?

Hudson: "However they take it, they take it. I know what I'm doing, so that's all that really matters."

Q: Have you been able to visit Texas while you were here?

Hudson: "Not yet. I think I'm going tomorrow because I don't think we qualified."

Q: What about official visits?

Hudson: "I really haven't thought about that too much. I'm pretty much going to start getting everything together in the next few weeks or something like that. I've just been worried about track and soccer. 

Q: You're a goalie (in soccer). Do you like that?

Hudson: "We lost in the playoffs. I wasn't there that day because I went to Lubbock. We lost in College Station. I know they fought their butts off."

Q: How are you going to separate one school from the pack?

Hudson: "Really just seeing how they are. Let's say I just commit in the summer. [I would be] seeing if that school changes up on me. They got me so we got him. We don't got to worry about talking to him. Stuff like that. Just really seeing how the schools would be like that. Like say if I were to commit, to just see how they would talk to me. Would they be any different? Just seeing stuff like that. Just seeing if they're going to change down to the line. Like are they going to back off, just because another school pushing on me really hard? Or are they going to step it up some more. Just seeing how they have a relationship with me later in the end."

Q: Do you see yourself committing this summer? Is it up in the air?

Hudson: "I just got to see. I just got to play it out to see how it is. If that's the right thing at the time, then that's what I'm going to do." 

Q: Let's talk about track. How does this help you on the field and what are you getting better at?

Hudson: "I feel like it's helping me a lot. Running against other faster guys and things like that. Just seeing what I need to work on. Really working on technique and things like that. Even going to the jumping practices. Just to help my explosiveness. 

Q: What are you really working on with Hooks (DFW WR trainer Margin Hooks) right now?

Hudson: "I would say releases. Working on things with my left foot. Because during the season, I was lined up on the right side. Not just because of me, but the coaches and stuff like that. Being able to run routes from the other side of the field. Just being more comfortable with that side of the field than always running routes on the right side of the field."

Q: Do you kind of want to operate in the slot too?

Hudson: "I really don't mind. I just like playing football. I've played d-end. If they told me to go play d-end, then I'm going to play d-end. I just like playing. So anywhere where the colleges think I'll fit in, I'll go to. I really don't have a preference. If I had to choose, I'll probably say outside. I feel like I have more room on the outside." 

Q: What did you like about the (Tech) visit last week?

Hudson: "Just being able to sit down and just see what the coaches had to offer. The gameplan. Seeing the plan translate to the field. Seeing these players. They look way more comfortable than they did during the spring. The year before, when I had went during the camp during my freshman year, when they had the old staff. They look way more comfortable. They look way more happier. They look bigger. I mean a lot of different things. They're moving smoother. Their routes are better. Just being able to see how everything is being pushed forward and seeing how everybody is interacting with the coaches. Just being happy to actually be there. I just feel like, oh I gotta go to another day in college and stuff. They may feel like that somedays, but most of the time I've been there they have been happy and energetic. Just glad to be there. They all love Coach (Joey) McGuire. I talked to the players before. They're telling me real stuff. I really see it. That's what he's pushing towards me. It's not like he's putting on an act or anything like that."

Q: What questions do you still have about Tech? What do you want to see them do? What would make them the No. 1 school?

Hudson: "Just seeing how they compete against bigger teams. They're going to be playing against Oregon. I'm definitely going to have to be able to see that game. Just seeing how they really play. Seeing how they do in the Big 12 next year. I know it might not be the same when I get there, but just seeing how their plan is really working. Not all the time is it about the players and stuff. It's just a gameplan too."

Q: What about Coach Jackson at Texas. Do you like him?

Hudson: "Yes sir. I like him a lot. I'm a pretty straightforward guy. That's how he is too. That's how most of the coaches I'm with have a good relationship with, that's how they are too. Just like Coach (Brian) Hartline from Ohio State. He's also straightforward. But Coach Jackson came from the NFL. He definitely knows what he's talking about. He's always trying to check up on me. Even if he's going to get some food. Like let me call Micah really quick. Just some easy things like that. And then whatever questions I have to ask him, he's ready to answer them for me."

Q: What questions do you still have about Texas?

Hudson: "I gotta ask the players how they really feel about him because they're the ones that are with him every single day. I'm just on a phone call with him once a week. I really don't know for sure. I'm just going off of me texting him, me communicating with him and things like that."

Q: Any official visits planned?

Hudson: "Texas of course. Texas Tech. Ohio State. I'm not sure where else yet. A&M -- I think I might be going on the 9th (June) because we have a 7-on-7 tournament in College Station."

Q: What has the communication and relationship been like with Texas A&M recently?

Hudson: "It's been ok. Not as much as Texas and Texas Tech. It's getting there a little bit. They have had all of the switches with position coaches. The person I really talk to the most is Coach Eddie (defensive analyst Tony-Jerod Eddie), the D-Line coach."

Q: Why him?

Hudson: "He's just got my best interest at heart. The first visit we just clicked. He's always texting me. He's always talking to me. Coach Craig (A&M WR Coach Dameyune Craig) is always trying to reach out and talk to me too. I always talk to Coach Eddie. That's just the first person I talked to from A&M."

Q: Do you have a date that you want to decide by?

Hudson: "I'm kind of playing everything out right now. I'd probably say, maybe, later November or early December.

*Cullen Brown contributed to this report

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