Glenn Tydlacka, The Voice of Somerville for 40 Years

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Simply put, Glenn Tydlacka is Somerville football.

Any play that the Yeguas’ have run or tried to stop over the last 40 years, he’s been a part of as the team’s broadcaster.

“I love it,” Tydlacka said. 

We should all hope to find something in life that we love as much as he loves Somerville football.

Coaches have come and gone - somewhere between 15 to 20 - but Tydlacka has remained. He just can’t get enough.

“I'm a statistics kind of guy, and luckily, I've been blessed with I can look at the chains and pick up right away how much gained, remember how much was needed, and so I can do the math real quick,” he said.

Tydlacka has seen his share of memorable moments, like in 1998 when Somerville running back Darryl Ellis ran for over 600 yards and set the state's single-game rushing record. Tydlacka said Ellis is still second in Somerville for single-game rushing stats. 

“That was a game,” Tydlacka recalled. Somerville won, and according to Tydlacka, Ellis just couldn’t be stopped. “He was a machine that night.” 

He also remembers the team that beat Somerville the worst — Hempstead, who played Somerville in the mid-80s with Harvey Williams. 

Another part of his announcing career Tydlacka enjoyed was announcing for Snook ISD and getting to know the players, parents and coaches. 

After 50 years of not playing football, Snook restarted its football program in 2010. But the Bluejays didn’t have a home field, so they played at Somerville for home games for about two or three years before they joined Somerville’s district. 

“That was fun watching a team come from nothing to where they are now,” Tydlacka said.

He hopes to stick around for at least a handful more years to be able to call his grandson’s name as a varsity football player.

But first, he will be in attendance to see if Somerville can advance past the 2A Division II bi-district round against Granger on Friday.

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