Booster Club Spotlight: Crosby Athletic Booster Club

Booster Club Spotlight: Crosby Athletic Booster Club
All-Star Inflatables honors the team behind the team. This week we highlight the hard work of the Crosby Athletic Booster Club!

The Crosby Athletic Booster Club hopes the excitement from the football team’s run to the 5A, Division 2 state championship game will lay the groundwork for a successful 2021 throughout Crosby ISD.

A successful year, club president Melissa Holliday said, would see the club increase the number and value of the scholarships it provides to graduating seniors who plan to continue their education.

Last year, the club raised enough to award scholarships to 14 graduating seniors worth a combined $10,000.

“Our number one goal and focus is scholarships,” she said. “If a student is involved in athletics for all for years of high school, they can apply for a scholarship. We want to get something for every athlete who applies. We really pride ourselves on what we make, we give back.”

The club, which supports every athletic team at both the middle and high schools, had hoped to match that for this year’s graduating seniors. Officials learned early on, however, that many of their traditional fundraising opportunities wouldn’t be available.

“With our merchandise sales, we really struggled a bit with that this season,” Holliday said. “We also missed some chances with concessions at middle school football game and track meets. For the high school games, we were asked not to set up our spirit store for the first few games.”

The club didn’t sit on its hands. It started selling merchandise online, working its way through existing inventory before setting up an order system for new gear. That worked, and Holliday is confident it will work in the new year.

“We might do more online sales, things like presales of items for people who want Cougar gear but who aren’t going to go to the games,” she said.

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